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The Issues

Environmental Quality

Situated on the shore, the 14th RD is directly impacted by the effects of global warming, climate change, rising ocean levels, and inland bay degradation. Everyone has a role to play in responding to these challenges: individual citizens, dedicated organizations, local government, State Government, and the Federal Government. Marty will be an informed advocate in Dover for State action to provide policies and funding to respond to the current and emerging environmental threats. It’s not too late to act, but we must act now.


The number of those experiencing homelessness in the county is growing. While some are recorded staying in temporary shelters, many more are unhoused, precariously housed, or not visible in our communities.  Despite the untiring efforts of many excellent service providers, a strengthened and more coordinated response is needed.


Addressing the underlying issue of affordable housing will help, but more immediate action is needed for those now experiencing homelessness. Efforts should be made to protect their dignity and well-being, and criminalizing their circumstances must be avoided.


The 14th RD has seen impressive increases in the availability and accessibility of health care services. The health care community deserves our thanks and support for the advancements that have been made. Our challenge is to build upon that good work. More primary care is needed, as well as additional specialist care. The goal is to provide first class service right in Sussex County so that residents don’t need to travel outside the area to secure the help they require. With an aging year-round population in the area, the needs are increasing.


Marty believes it is essential to attract and maintain the services of health care providers. Medical professionals should find that the area offers the amenities they need for their families to grow and thrive here. Marty supports efforts to bring medical schools and training to the area to make it more possible for health professionals to stay here to serve after their education.

Human and Civil Rights

Delaware has strong laws on its books to support its diverse residents. Delaware prevents discrimination on the basis of age, creed, disability status, familial status, marital status, national origin, race/color, religion, sex (gender), sexual orientation/gender identity, and source of income. As a Commissioner, Marty has fought to secure and maintain these protections. In Dover, he will support measures to preserve and enhance these protections and will oppose efforts to undermine or remove personal freedoms supported by the people of Delaware and enshrined in Delaware law.


Since 2019, Marty has served as a Commissioner on the Delaware Human and Civil Rights Commission and has chaired the Commission’s Legislative Committee. He has led the Commission’s engagement in a wide range of human and civil rights initiatives.

Affordable Housing

Securing affordable housing is one of the biggest challenges facing our communities. More workers are needed for existing jobs and additional employment opportunities are arising. But finding affordable housing located near those jobs is challenging. Marty believes the State has a positive role to play in addressing this situation. Sustainable funding is needed from the State to help create more affordable residences. 

Traffic and Transportation

Mark Twain gets credited for saying, “Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.” The same might be said for traffic at the shore. The backups and congestion seem to keep growing without resolution. The increase in the area’s year-round population and ever-expanding development are contributing factors. Additional road construction, road improvements, and traffic flow enhancements are advancing, but more is needed. Marty will work at the State level with local jurisdictions to secure support and funding for projects aimed to address the traffic conditions.


Improved public transportation is very much needed. More bus routes are needed to serve those who come into the 14th RD to work. With the affordable housing challenge, not everyone who wants to work in the 14th RD can live there. Better public transportation can help. Buses also should run late enough to accommodate workers who finish their jobs in the evenings.


The 14th RD is blessed with excellent schools. Marty will work in Dover to ensure that the school system gets the support and funding needed to provide the highest quality education for our students at all levels. With a diverse population, all students must be made to feel welcome and valued. Efforts to ensure their physical and mental well-being must be supported. The security and safety of our schools must be guaranteed so that students can pursue their education without fear for their personal security.

Reproductive Rights

Marty will protect women’s reproductive choice and freedom to control their own bodies. Although laws already are on the books in Delaware to protect women’s reproductive rights, Marty will oppose efforts to turn back the clock on their established protections. He will support measures to provide access to the exercise of these rights. He believes the government has no right to intervene in women’s decisions about their bodies and reproductive healthcare.

Fostering Small Businesses

Marty believes that small businesses are the bedrock of the 14th RD. In addition to facing the regular challenges of a resort community, small businesses have had to work to rebound from the impact of the pandemic. Marty will listen to the recommendations of the community on steps the General Assembly can take to foster small businesses and improve the business climate in the 14th RD.

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Phone: 302-500-1055


Friends of Marty Rendon, Inc.
P.O. Box 878
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971


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